Traditional or Modern: What kind of woman are you?

“Traditional” and “modern” seem like two completely contrasting words without a context. Nevertheless, speaking of the characteristics of women nowadays, we can find fascinating intersections. In today’s world, can you retain the traditional values and what are those values? Let’s discover how to define “traditional” and “modern” women throughout the time.

In the Orient, there is hardly any society where women play such a crucial role as in Vietnam. During the course of history, Vietnamese women have made valuable contributions to national liberation and building. They also keep a central role in protecting, preserving and promoting the intrinsic values of Vietnamese people, from generation to generation.


The four virtues “Affairs, Appearance, Speech, Behavior” have always been the golden standard of women in every period of history. The standard of each virtue, however, changes in relation with the progress and evolution of society.


“Affairs”, according to Confucian principles, is the ability and skills to do the housework, knitting and taking care of the offspring. Nowadays, we have gained a fresh perspective of this virtue. Household chores are not as burdensome as they used to be because of the help from the husbands or housekeepers. Having said that, women still play a crucial role in domestic affairs. In addition, they also need to go to work to bring in money and contribute to society.


Traditionally, “Appearance” was interpreted as the physical appearance, whose standard lay in modesty and charm, as described in ancient proverbs. Appearance – put in modern context- is a point of attention for the whole society. After all, everybody longs for beauty, and in each period there is a different measurement for it.

The modern is women are encouraged to beautify themselves “There are no ugly women, only those who don’t know how to make themselves beautiful”. Regretfully, many tend to focus only on the outside look and forget that the outside has to go with the inside. Beautiful faces are useless unless they come with beautiful minds.


“Speech” is the modest, calm, measured and soft way of speaking. Coupled with appropriate gestures, it creates the feminine charm. “Speech” requires women to speak at the right time, in the right place and with the right manner. This is necessary to everyone as it shows their cultural refinement.

With the fast pace of modern society, women can’t always speak in a soft-tongued manner as language is becoming more intellectual and scientific.

“Behavior” is the last, and the most important virtue. It represents personal conduct, ethics, kindness, compassion and faithfulness. These qualities, in turn, are represented in the relationships between husbands and wives, children and parents and so on.

“Behavior” – spiritual beauty- is more important than physical beauty. Money can buy cosmetics, but not ethics or kindness.

“The Four Virtues” have changed its interpretation and standard over history, but in whatever time, women are an indispensable part of every society. Vietnamese women will continue to rise above prejudices, contribute to the advancement of society, as well as influence various fields such as governance, poverty reduction, equality and more.

Delicate views on women of the past and present.

In the evening of October 19, Talkshow – Women of the past and present was organized by S-World Vietnam on the special occasion honoring the beauty of Vietnamese women. Although the length of the show wasn’t too long, it made the audiences and guests felt through different emotions: from the vibrant performances, exciting discussions between the audiences and the guests; until the moment of deposition pondering in the views.


CEO Phan Ngoc Minh and Rapper Hang Kani in the Talkshow

With the cooperation of My Hanoi, La Memoria Coffee and other sponsors Yoga Plus, Say Tea; the Talkshow has received enthusiastic support from the community, especially the young

The beginning of the Talkshow is the song “Mẹ tôi” with melancholy melodies and touching lyrics from Kim Oanh


Two special guests of the show, Phan Ngoc Minh and Rapper Hang Kani are two representatives: traditional and modern Vietnamese women bringing  multi-dimensional and objective perspectives.

Referring to the meaning of the word “Công” and “Ngôn” in the Four Virtues in the Confucian view and innovations in accordance with today’s society, Ms. Minh said that the word “Cong” today is no longer just the kitchen affair that takes care of the family. In her opinion,  women nowadays “whether they can not cook well or do not have time to cook well, they can manage their family well.”


Talking about the word “Ngôn” in modern society seems somewhat distorted from the old point which expresses in the speech of young people on social networks, especially women. Ms. Hang Kani completely disagreed with the swear words on social network. She thinks social networking is a virtual world but it directly reflects the individual person.

Ms. Minh also reminded young people of the dangers of using words on social communication. She also affirmed  the role of learning foreign languages today.


The song “Enchanting Vietnam” composed and performed  by Hang Kani

A very special performance from the guest, the theme song of VPY 43 in the  Southeast Asia-Japan excursion. Ms. Hang also shared about the opportunity to participate in this journey is thanks to her mother had introduced and her efforts to learn foreign languages.


 Thanks and gifts for guests from S-World Vietnam

Messages from the guests to the young people in the Talkshow is to overcome prejudices their own hardships to experience best. Try your best to make life more meaningful!


Have a look at some check-in pictures in this evening!



